Looking for information about AFSCME OFFICE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND INVESTMENT POLICY? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Pension Investment - AFSCME

    About AFSCME Leadership History Jobs We Do Retirees Next Wave Careers at AFSCME AFSCME Governance Paid for by the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, 1625 L St., NW, Washington, DC, 20036.

Biography of Richard C. Ferlauto - SEC.gov HOME

    Prior to joining AFSCME, Mr. Ferlauto was the Managing Director of Proxy Voter Services/ISS, which provides proxy advisory services to Taft-Hartley and public fund plan sponsors. Mr. Ferlauto also was a consultant with the AFL-CIO where he helped launch the Office of Investment and its corporate governance program. He is a

Say on Pay Facts and Background - Shareholder Forum

    Sep 22, 2009 · (compiled by the AFSCME Office of Corporate Governance and Investment Policy) Shareholder Action In 2006, seven proposals averaged 40.1% support. In 2007, 51 shareholder proposals asking for an advisory vote on compensation proposal came to vote, averaging 42.2% support of for and against. Nine majority votes of shares

Preserving Federal Tax Reform - AFSCME

    That AFSCME will defend the principle, firmly embodied in the Tax Reform Act of 1986, that the tax system should only be used to raise revenue to finance the legitimate responsibilities of government and not as a means of encouraging particular desired forms of private investment.

Alarm Bells at Waddell & Reed - Corporate Governance

    Mar 26, 2010 · For further background on say on pay, see Say on Pay Facts and Background (compiled by the AFSCME Office of Corporate Governance and Investment Policy), Say on Pay: Where Are We Heading in North America? (from 3XCD) and The Herrman doth protest too much, methinks (The Corporate Library). Thanks also to the Shareholder Forum.Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins


    CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW AND GUIDELINES 1. Introduction The Board of Directors of the Company has adopted these Corporate Governance Guidelines to assist the Board in the exercise of its responsibilities. The Board may modify or make exceptions to the Guidelines from time to time in its discretion and consistent with the duties and

Corporate Governance Policy Morningstar Investments

    This Corporate Governance Policy is available on Morningstar’s websites. 2. Executive Summary . This Corporate Governance Policy outlines Morningstar’s commitment to establish and maintain corporate governance practices which reflect the requirements of the industry, the law and regulators,

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