Looking for information about ALMATIS HEADQUARTERS? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Almatis :: Homepage

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Almatis :: Our Production Facilities

    Almatis B.V. was founded in 1967. It was the first production plant of Almatis in Europe. Today there are two plants at the site. The plant in Rotterdam produces high-quality raw materials for the refractory, ceramic and chemical industries all over the world.

Almatis :: Our Business

    With more than 100 years of alumina expertise, Almatis is the world’s leader in the development, manufacture and supply of premium alumina and alumina-based products. Almatis is both a global and fully integrated producer, serving our customers from fourteen strategically located sales, research and manufacturing sites.

Azure... Almatis :: Manufacturing Locations

    Almatis Limited was originally established in 1986 as Alcoa Kasei Limited and merged with Moralco Limited to form Alcoa Chemicals Japan Limited in December 2002. Today Almatis Limited is a joint venture owned 80% by Almatis and 20% by Morimura Bros. Inc. The Iwakuni plant was built at Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi, Japan and completed in August 1975.

Almatis :: Who we are

    Almatis is the world's leading producer of alumina materials for Refractory, Ceramics and Polishing applications. Our company name stands for “ Alumina Materials and Innovative Solutions ” and clearly summarizes our commitment to delivering high quality specialty alumina products and cutting edge services throughout the world.

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