Looking for information about DUKE CORPORATE PAYROLL OFFICE? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Corporate Payroll Services Corporate Payroll Services Duke

    Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri (Contingent upon the Duke University holiday schedule.) Physical Address: 705 Broad St, Room 101 Durham, NC 27705 (Directions?) Drop Boxes: View Locations & Times: Mailing Address: Box Number 90484, Durham, NC 27708-0484: Customer Service: (919) 684-2642 (Available 9am-4:15pm, Mon-Fri) Fax: (919) 668-5840: E-mail: Payroll@duke.eduDrop Boxes: View Locations & Times

Payroll Human Resources - Duke University

    Corporate Payroll Services is responsible for the timely and accurate payment of salaries and wages and for the processing of all of Duke's payroll disbursements and related deductions. With an excess of 565,000 checks issued annually to faculty, staff, and students and with an annual payroll exceeding $1.3 billion, it is necessary that strict regulation of the payroll process - through reporting deadlines, …

Tax Information Corporate Payroll Services Duke

    Tax Information. This website provides pay related tax information for employees and students. Employees can find information regarding the process of modifying their filing status and allowances. Students who receive non-compensatory payments can find information about the types of payments considered reportable income and the process for ...

Department & Contact Information Financial Services Duke

    Corporate Payroll Services. Corporate Payroll Services provides services for the Duke University and Medical Center community including issuing checks for salary, fellowship and scholarship, and fringe benefit charges; executing voluntary payroll deductions, distributing W-2, 1042 and 1099 forms; providing wage verification requests from ...

Financial Services Duke

    General Accounting Procedures (GAP), Corporate Space & Assets, Fiscal Year-End Information, Forms . . . Payroll & Time Reporting. Payroll resources for Duke University and Duke University Health System employees and students . . . Research Compliance & Reporting. Post-award administration of sponsored funds, research costing compliance ...

DukeCard FLEX Payroll Deduction Duke University OIT

    or contact the DukeCard Office at 919-684-5800 or dukecard@duke.edu. Establishing a DukeCard Flex Payroll Deduction Log into Duke@Work – work.duke.edu and go to the “My Info” page and the “My Pay” tab. On the “My Pay” page, select “Deduction for DukeCard Flex Spending” to access the deductions.Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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