Looking for information about FORMER POLICE HEADQUARTERS NEW YORK CITY? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Former Police Headquarters Building - New York Before

    40.721167-73.999934 476 Broadway 21978 0 1903 157 476 Broadway 40.72-73.99888888888 Former Police Headquarters Building 23288 0 1905 0 240 Centre Street 40.719722222222-73.99805555555 Odd Fellows Hall 23278 6 1847 77 165-171 Grand Street 40.718888888889-73.99805555555 Stephen Van Rensselar House 23324 0 c.18 142 149 Mulberry Street 40.720156-73 ...

Old Police Headquarters - New York, NY

    2 reviews of Old Police Headquarters "I'm reading a book set in the 1890s (the very excellent "The Alienist") in which lower Manhattan and the old police headquarters off mulberry st play a pivotal role during the days when Teddy Roosevelt was police commissioner. So I was excited to see this historic building. Then I read that it was built in 1909.4/5(2)

The Old Police Headquarters andrewcusack.com

    O NE OF THE finest buildings in all New York is also one of the least-appreciated and most forgotten. The old Police Headquarters at No. 240 Centre Street was built in 1909 on a triangular lot in what was then solidly Little Italy.Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

The Police Building at 240 Centre St. in Little Italy ...

    240 Centre Street, formerly the New York City Police Headquarter building, between Broome & Grand Streets in the Nolita neighborhood of Manhattan, was built in …Floorplans: 75 floorplans available

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