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Headquarters Agreement - icty.org

    agreement between the united nations and the kingdom of the netherlands concerning the headquarters of the international tribunal for the prosecution of persons responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former yugoslavia since 1991 letter dated 14 july 1994 prom the secretary-general

Agreement between the United Nations and the Kingdom of ...

    Agreement between the United Nations and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning the Headquarters of the International ... "ICTY" means the International Tribunal for the fonner Yugoslavia, established by the Security Council pursuant to its resolutions 808 (1993) and

Agreement between the United Nations and the -United ...

    aa) "ICTY" means the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, established by the Security Council pursuant to its resolutions 808 (1993) and 827 (1993). Article 2. Purpose and scope of this Agreement This Agreement shall regulate matters relating to or arising out of the establishment

Fordham International Law Journal

    Headquarters Agreement Zsolt Hetesy Abstract The preparation of the Basic Principles of the Headquarters Agreement presents a unique ... Former Yugoslavia6 ("ICTY") and the International Court of Jus-tice, had no legal status to conclude agreements on their own behalf. Therefore, in the case of those organizations, the UnitedCited by: 15

The ICRC privilege not to testify: confidentiality in ...

    Feb 28, 2004 · This is the effect of the ICTY Decision, of ICC Rule 73 and of the ICRC’s headquarters agreements. In discussing the ICRC’s confidentiality interests with the outside world, it is important to point out that the ICRC’s lack of cooperation with criminal tribunals should not be viewed as hostility or indifference to their task.

between the International Criminal

    (aa) "the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Court" means the Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the International Criminal Court referred to in article 48 of the Statute and adopted at the third meeting of the first session of the Assembly held from 3 to 10 September 2002 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York;

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