Looking for information about MICROSOFT CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS EMAIL ADDRESS? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Microsoft Corporate Office Headquarters HQ

    Microsoft Corporate Office Headquarters HQ. Address: One Microsoft Way. Redmond, WA 98052-7329. Corporate Phone Number: 1-425-882-8080. Fax Number: 1-425-706-7329. Customer Service Number: 1-800-642-7676. Microsoft was started by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. They started with the computer programing language, Basic, then MSDOS to Windows.

Microsoft Headquarters Address & Contact Number Updated [2020]

    4 rows · Aug 26, 2019 · Microsoft Corporate Headquarters Address Complete Information 2020 Microsoft ...Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

Microsoft Investor Relations - Contact Information

    Address. Investor Relations Department. Microsoft Corporation. One Microsoft Way. Redmond, Washington 98052-6399.

Microsoft Complaints - Complaints Department

    Microsoft complaints contacts. Call Customer Care on 1-800-MICROSOFT (1-800-642-7676) Visit Microsoft Customer Care. Email Satya Nadella (CEO) on satyan@microsoft.com. Tweet Microsoft Support. Watch Microsoft Microsoft BrandsEmail: satyan@microsoft.com

Microsotf Headquarters, All Office Locations and Addresses

    Apr 26, 2017 · Microsoft is an American corporate organization that manufactures, licenses, and sells technological products such as personal computers, software, and consumer electronics. Some of their best outputs are hardware products such as the Microsoft Surface lineup of touchscreen personal computers, and the Xbox video game consoles.ISIN: US5949181045

Email Addresses For Microsoft Executives – Consumerist

    Mar 25, 2009 · Steve Ballmer, CEO – steve@microsoft.com / (425) 706-8448. J. Allard, CTO – jallard@microsoft.com. Robert Bach, President, Entertainment and Devices Division – rbach@microsoft.com. Joe ...

Microsoft Public Relations Contacts - Stories

    General Inquiries Corporate Questions Platforms & Services Division Business Division Entertainment & Devices Division Other Groups Other Topics General Inquiries Topic Resource General news media inquiries (U.S.-based) WE Communications Microsoft Media Relations 425-638-7777 Broadcast news inquiries (U.S.-based) WE Communications Microsoft Media Relations 425-638-7777 Worldwide PR …

Contact Us - Microsoft Support

    Small & Medium Business: Microsoft 365 Admins. Open a service request in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. On-Premises Support. Get paid technical support for on-premises Microsoft products and services. Microsoft Store Support. Get help with choosing a Microsoft product, or ask about a previous purchase from the online or physical store.

Microsoft Australia Corporate Office, Email Address and ...

    May 11, 2021 · Microsoft Corporation is a renowned multinational technology company. The company has its US headquarters in Redmond, Washington. In Australia, Microsoft Corporation can be contacted at its Head Office location in Sydney.The company is very well known for …

How do I contact your complaint department? - Microsoft ...

    Sep 26, 2014 · In reply to cjwarso's post on September 26, 2014. and you notice they don't really have a customer service complaint number or way to get to such a thing; they simply DO NOT CARE. Perhaps this will help: Call Microsoft Customer Service direct - 1-800-642-7676 - hours 5 AM. til 9 PM PST time (USA) - Saturday and Sunday, 6:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

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