Looking for information about PLANET AID CORPORATE OFFICES? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Contact Us - Planet Aid, Inc.

    Other general inquiries: [email protected]. Headquarters. 6730 Santa Barbara Ct. Elkridge, MD 21075. 410-796-1510. Administrative Offices. 47 Sumner St. Milford, MA 01757. 508-893-0644.

New England - Planet Aid, Inc.

    Planet Aid, Inc. 47 Sumner Street Milford, MA 01757. voice P: 508.893.0644. fax F: 508.893.0646. [email protected]

Planet Aid - For the Environment, For People

    Planet Aid, Inc., 6730 Santa Barbara Court, Elkridge, Maryland 21075. Nonprofit Web Design by NMC

Ohio - Planet Aid, Inc.

    Planet Aid, Inc. 30901 Carter St. Solon, OH 44139. voice P: 440.542.1171. fax F: 440.542.1763. [email protected]

People at Planet Aid - Planet Aid, Inc.

    Kim Roth is Planet Aid’s corporate human resources manager. Her responsibilities include: policy implementation, training and development, recruiting, retention management, and performance management. Clearly, Kim’s primary focus is on Planet Aid staff. She meets with employees in their offices or in the warehouses at Planet Aid's various ...

People at Planet Aid - Planet Aid, Inc.

    Louise Godek started with Planet Aid over ten years ago in 2007. She has a history in accounting and works as the accounts receivable clerk at the Planet Aid corporate office in Milford, Massachusetts. She ensures that all the shipments made to buyers are properly aggregated and accounted for, working closely with a broker.

Find a Bin - Planet Aid, Inc.

    Please call 877.893.0648 for more information or visit Your Local Planet Aid to learn more about our offices nearest to you. You are also welcome to make clothing and non-clothing donations via our Give Back Box program .

Get a Receipt for Your Donated Clothing and ... - Planet Aid

    Planet Aid, Inc., 6730 Santa Barbara Court, Elkridge, Maryland 21075. Nonprofit Web Design by NMC

Corporate - Rite Aid

    Rite Aid Pharmacy corporate information; contact, investor relations, governance, news room, corporate social responsibility, corporate locations, supplier portal...

Charity Watchdog Accuses Planet Aid Of Misleading Its ...

    Dec 06, 2011 · Planet Aid is a nationwide, non-profit organization that collects the clothing, sells it and then claims to use the money to help those in need in third world countries.

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