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SuperOffice Login

    SuperOffice Login

SuperOffice CRM: Customer Relationships Matter

    SuperOffice scores high ratings on all major review platforms. Based on more than 350 reviews, SuperOffice CRM ranks high in user-friendliness, ease of use and customer service. Join Thrive. Thrive is a brand-new concept by SuperOffice and the goal is simple – to help you grow. Get inspired with exclusive access to:

CRM for Customer Service by SuperOffice

    Join Thrive. Thrive is a brand-new concept by SuperOffice and the goal is simple – to help you grow. Get inspired with exclusive access to: Battle-tested strategies from 30+ years of CRM experience. Members-only, original content designed to fast track your growth. Unique research from 1,000s of companies and customer experiences.

The Value of Customer Self-Service in the ... - SuperOffice

    May 04, 2021 · In fact, web self-service is included in SuperOffice Service. Try SuperOffice Service free for 30 days. Supporting customer self-service in SuperOffice CRM. Creating and maintaining a self-service portal for your customers can be difficult as you need to create new content, keep content up to date and remove it when it becomes outdated.Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

Contact The Sales team at SuperOffice

    Contact Sales. Have a question about CRM and scaling business growth? Complete the form, tell us about your next project and one of our dedicated CRM experts will help you find a solution. Three ways to contact Sales: Complete the form. Call us on +47 23 35 40 00. Send an email to info@superoffice.com.

SuperOffice 8: The introduction SuperOffice Community

    SuperOffice 8 brings lots of news for everyone in sales, marketing, and service. Get started with the new opportunities to find fresh ways of doing your job better. New Core CRM features. New design and mailing tool for all. Take advantage of our new design to …

Get Company Portal - Microsoft Store

    Company Portal. Microsoft Intune helps organizations manage access to corporate apps, data, and resources. Company Portal is the app that lets you, as an employee of your company, securely access those resources. Before you can use this app, make sure your IT admin has set up your work account. Your company must also have a subscription to ...

Superoffice goes for Swedish CRM MyCustomer

    The board of Caesar unanimously supports the offer which constitutes an issue of 3,350,000 SuperOffice shares to the shareholders of Caesar. The combined company has state-of-the-art CRM and corporate portal solutions for the B2B market.Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

Create an Azure AD enterprise application SuperOffice Docs

    Creating an Azure enterprise application is the 1st step to integrate the SuperOffice SCIM endpoint with the Azure AD provisioning service. Pre-requisites: An Azure AD admin account. Access to Azure AD portal with permissions to create an enterprise application of type non-gallery application- Azure Active Directory Premium (P1 or P2) required.

SuperOffice Download Service - Microsoft Azure Web App

    SuperOffice Download Service. An API and hosting-service which provides downloads for the SuperOffice eco-system. SuperOffice WebTools for Windows. The following versions are available: For SuperOffice 8.3 or newer (Version 12.1.7774.826) For SuperOffice 8.2 only (Version 8.2.6645.1052) ...

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