Looking for information about SWITZERLAND ILLUMINATI HEADQUARTERS? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

The Illuminati Conspiracy Blog: Switzerland: Core of the ...

    Jan 27, 2017 · Switzerland, in addition to its gigantic financial representation, serves not only as the headquarters for powerful Swiss companies, but also for all foreign corporations doing business in Europe. The city of Geneva alone headquarters …Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

The Secret of Switzerland's Success - henrymakow.com

    Jan 07, 2011 · The Secret of Switzerland's Success. January 7, 2011. World Headquarters of Evil? by Wolfgang Besserer (in Zurich) (for henrymakow.com) Switzerland is a country without any natural resources, producing expensive watches, chocolate and milk products, unable to compete in international markets due to one of the highest costs of labor - yet it is ...

HIDDEN HISTORY: Switzerland’s Hidden Pharaohs of the ...

    Mar 07, 2020 · Source - blog.templarhistory.com - "...The Templars had lost control of their Western European Headquarters and founding city of Troyes in France. This region had fallen to the French Crown, another reason why the Templars knew their days in the region were numbered" Switzerland's Hidden Pharaohs of the Octagon An Interview with Alan Butler - co-author…Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

CERN Whistleblower Reveals CIA beneath Lake Geneva in ...

    Sep 21, 2015 · The deepest part of Lake Geneva is reportedly betweenÉvian-les-Bains and Lausanne which is coincidentally where there is a straight border line between France and Switzerland. Consequently, CIA Headquarters is most likely located at 46°27’19.8″N 6°36’01.9″E; half in France, half in Switzerland. Aside from the mathematical and symbolic aspects of this layout, a split CIA Headquarters allows for Switzerland to attack France or France to attack Switzerland …

Where Is The Illuminati Headquarters? - YouTube

    Jul 13, 2017 · WE HAVE LOCATED THE ILLUMINATI HEADQUARTERS!Author: Raskalsroost

10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA (Central ...

    Mar 31, 2015 · 5. Switzerland Home to Holy See. The Holy See (i.e., the “Holy C-I-A”) is the official name of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a term evidently derived from Confoederationis Helveticae, an original name for Switzerland. Although the Holy See is allegedly located in Italy, its name suggests otherwise.

CANTON TRUTH: World Government Headquarters Is Located In ...

    Mar 03, 2008 · The Geneva's motto « Post tenebras lux » (After the darkness, the light) had its origin in the middle of the 16th century. It refers to Illuminati and Masonry. Geneva is the seat of the European headquarters of the United Nations and of many other inter-governmental organizations, including: The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

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