Looking for information about UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS NY? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Contact the UN Visitor Centre United Nations

    United Nations Headquarters New York, NY 10017 . Facebook: @ UNVisitorsCentre Twitter: @VisitUN . To contact the Visitor Centre by phone, please call +1 (212) 963-TOUR (8687) Or email us:

What is the address of the United Nations Headquarters ...

    May 12, 2021 · The address of the United Nations Headquarters in New York is: 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA. Tel: (+ 1) (212) 963-1234.

United Nations Headquarters – History of New York City

    Nov 14, 2016 · Located at 405 E 42nd Street right along the East River on Manhattan Island is a piece of international territory belonging to 193 nations which holds the United Nations Headquarters.

United Nations Headquarters (New York City) - 2021 All You ...

    Grab a taxi in New York city and make your way to the HQ of the UN; right outside the huge building you'll see a large statue of a huge gun with the barrel wrapped up like a shoe lace. Outside the building are more than a hundred flags of all the member nations.4/5(2.1K)

Contact Us United Nations

    United Nations Headquarters New York, NY 10017. Or email us: education-outreach@un.org. You can also contact us by filling the form below:

Visitor Centre New York United Nations

    United Nations Visitor Centre in New York. Our Speakers Bureau offers your group a unique opportunity to interact live with a UN expert to learn more about an area of work of the Organization.

United Nations Headquarters - New York, NY - Yelp

    Built in 1952 in the Turtle Bay neighborhood on the east side of Manhattan, the United Nations has been the hub of international diplomacy for 68 years. Within it's steel and glass walls are the General Assembly and Security Council, while the third major body, the International Court of Justice is in The Hague.

Resources United Nations

    United Nations Headquarters Room GA-1B-031 New York, NY 10017. Don't forget to follow the UN Visitor Centre on Facebook and Twitter!

United Nations Headquarters 480 E 42nd St New York, NY ...

    Description. The United Nations (U.N.) Headquarters is a group of buildings belonging to the international organization developed to promote global peace, security and economic development. Be sure to take one of the informative 45-minute tours led by representatives of the member countries.Location: 480 E 42nd St, New York, 10017, NY

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